Round the Clock Page 5
“What’s your name, please?”
“Anna Marie Williams.”
The receptionist turned to her computer and typed in her name, then frowned. “You’re a card member.”
“A what?”
The young lady lowered her voice and leaned forward. “A member of the society.”
She shook her head. “Then you don’t want to do that.”
“Do what?”
“But I have to and what does being a card member have to do with anything?”
“It has to do with everything. I wish I could be a member. You wouldn’t believe the treatment members get here. I suggest you keep your appointment.” She returned to her magazine.
Anna Marie tugged on the strap of her handbag. “I can’t. It’s an emergency.”
“Has someone died?”
“Is someone going to?”
“Then it’s not an emergency.” The young lady nodded in the direction of the waiting area. “You’ll be seen shortly.”
Anna Marie felt her patience thinning. “I can’t be seen today because I have to go.”
“You’re making a big mistake. Rania is not going to be happy about this.”
“Tell her I’m really sorry, but I’ll see her next time.”
“If there is a next time,” the young woman muttered. She looked at her monitor, typed something then said, “I can schedule you for this Thursday.”
“Thank you for your help,” Anna Marie said, then hurried out the door.
The receptionist watched her go, then picked up the phone. “Rania, you may have a problem.”
Anna Marie was glad Nancy had called when she did. Anna Marie knew people of influence and would use those contacts. She phoned someone who worked in Mrs. Watson’s office who had a friend who managed the entire department’s computer system and database. This individual was able to intercept and delete the report, before Mrs. Watson saw it.
By early afternoon, everything was done and Anna Marie met Nancy across the street from her old office building. Nancy handed Anna Marie the report then took her to an empty office in another division where Anna Marie could work out of the sight of the Cobra. Anna Marie promptly began working on the report. The due date, when it was supposed to have been sent to the Management and Accounting Office, had passed, and the division chief would be calling the Cobra to find out where it was.
Within minutes, Anna Marie discovered that the problem was worse then she’d expected and she knew she needed at least three days to troubleshoot. She hated having to reschedule her salon appointment again, but knew she had no choice. By the end of the week, everything was in order and she gave Nancy the report, which she had delivered right away. Anna Marie brushed aside Nancy’s thanks and offer of a girls’ night out. All she wanted to do was go home.
The moment Anna Marie reached her motel she fed Nika, then fell on the bed, ready to fall asleep. Suddenly, someone pounded on her door.
Anna Marie reluctantly dragged herself to the door and glanced through the peephole, but she couldn’t see clearly.
“Who is it?”
“A delivery for Anna Marie Williams.”
Curious, she opened the door and saw a woman standing there. The woman had a thick braid down her back and wore a fitted suit, looking as though she were a model. However, her expression resembled a drill sergeant. “Are you Anna Marie Williams?”
“My name is Sonia Hernandez and you’re in serious trouble.”
Chapter 6
Anna Marie stared at the woman, wondering if she should call the police. “Excuse me?”
“I’m with The Black Stockings Society. May I come in?”
Anna Marie opened the door wider. “Sure,” she stammered as the woman marched past her and sat on the bed. “Would you like anything to drink?” she asked. “There’s a vending machine and—”
“No, I don’t need a drink.” The woman cast a nervous glance at the shoe box on the floor. “There’s something moving in those papers.”
“Yes, Nika. My turtle. He likes to bury himself.”
“I see.”
“How did you find me?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Sonia crossed her legs. “I’m sure your next question is why am I here?”
Anna Marie leaned against the door. “I am curious.”
“You violated an instruction.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Sit down.”
She didn’t want to, but Anna Marie knew an order when she heard one. She sat on the bed near the headboard and faced Sonia. “Yes?”
“In the contract you signed, you promised you would follow the instructions of the society and you did not.”
Anna Marie searched her memory, but came up blank. “What are you talking about? I haven’t told anyone and—”
“You cancelled your appointment at the salon.”
“Oh, that. I told the receptionist I had an emergency.”
“The emergency was bigger than I expected.”
Sonia opened her handbag and pulled out Anna Marie’s signed contract. “If you look carefully at the small print on the back, it specifies that you are obligated to follow the rules. You are allowed one missed appointment but two are grounds for automatic dismissal.”
Anna Marie read the information with dread, then looked at Sonia with dismay. “So I’m out before I’m even in?”
Sonia folded the contract and replaced it in her handbag. “We discussed your case and decided to give you some leniency.”
“What does that mean?”
“You’re on probation.”
“Just for a few weeks until you get a handle on things. We have to do this for some of our ‘special’ inductees. You need to know how the society works. Members know their worth. They don’t put people ahead of themselves at their own expense. There’s a distinct difference between being helpful and being a dishrag. I’ve been assigned as your trainer. Most people jump right into the society but others, like you, need trainers like me, so I’ll stay with you for a couple of days until you’re ready to go out on your own.”
“But I am ready,” Anna Marie protested, terrified of the thought of having this woman or anyone staying in her life. “I love the stockings and I promise I will follow the instructions from now on.”
“It’s too late.”
“It’s just that something came up and—”
“Do you want to be a part of this society?”
“Then you’re stuck with me.” The woman stood and walked around the room. “First off, what are you doing here?”
“I left my old apartment. I made a big mistake because I thought I was moving into this new house I had been told I’d inherited and that I was going to live on the money, too, but the lawyer canceled and—”
“Did you reschedule with the lawyer?”
“Yes, but he had to travel and he told me to call when he got back. I thought I’d wait a day or so because I don’t want to be a bother.”
“So you’d rather stay in this dinky little motel when you could be in a house?”
Anna Marie glanced around the room. “Well, when you put it like that, of course not.”
“Then what are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“You need to call the law office and tell them that you want an appointment as soon as possible. You can give them a specific date and if they cancel, let them know that you want someone else assigned to your case.”
“Can I do that?”
“It’s your money, isn’t it?”
“Yes, at least I think so. I’m—”
“Yes or no?”
Anna Marie took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“Then do it.” Sonia handed her the phone.
sp; She stared at it. “You want me to call them now?”
Sonia shoved it in her hand. “Why wait for tomorrow?”
“What if he’s busy?”
“He’ll make time for you.”
“You know what’s wrong with you?” Sonia continued before Anna Marie could reply. “You’re a rich woman who’s acting poor. You have to demand what you want.”
Anna Marie frowned. “I’m not rich yet and I don’t know how much I’m inheriting so—”
“You’re going to be rich someday so you might as well act the part now. Make demands.”
Anna Marie didn’t believe her and she didn’t like the word demand. It made her think of Sandy and one nasty foster father who forced her to clean out his shed every other day. She didn’t want to be like that. “I don’t want to upset anyone.”
“You’re not going to upset him or her by letting them know what you want. Now dial and tell them you want an appointment as soon as possible. No buts.”
“There’s one thing.”
Sonia reached over and took her hand. “Stop pretending. I know who you are.”
Anna Marie froze. “What do you mean?”
“Do I need to show you the pictures?”
Sonia knew she was Malika? “You have pictures? Are you blackmailing me?”
Sonia sighed. “No. I’m just trying to let you know that we at the society know that Malika and Anna Marie are one and the same. If you don’t believe me then let’s pretend just for now that you’re Malika. How would she handle this?”
“She would—”
Sonia shook her head and nodded to the phone. “Don’t tell me, show me.”
Anna Marie took a deep breath, then dialed. When the lawyer answered she deepened her voice and gripped the phone. “I need to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible. If you can’t, I want to work with someone else in your firm. If that’s not possible, I will take my story about your incompetence to the papers and tell them that I’ve had to wait a ridiculous amount of time just to speak with you about my inheritance. Do I make myself clear?” She glanced at Sonia, who silently applauded.
“Yes,” his voice cracked. “I’m sorry I—”
“I don’t need your apology, I just need a date.”
“Thursday at two?”
“See you then.” Anna Marie hung up, then stared at Sonia, feeling numb.
“What time did he say?”
“Thursday at two. I’ve never been Malika in the daytime.”
“Fun, isn’t it?”
Anna Marie grinned. “Wonderful.”
“You’re a fast learner. If you want a new life, then you have to act a new way. First you’re going back to the salon.”
“I have to make an appointment.”
“I’ve already made an appointment for you. You’re going to see them tomorrow then you’re going to get some new clothes. Then you’ll be all set for the lawyer. Now let’s move.”
“Yes. I’m not staying in this place. After I’ve selected a hotel, we’ll get something to eat.”
Two hours later, the two women sat in an expensive restaurant booth designated for members only. Anna Marie studied Sonia. “So how did you get involved with this society?”
“I was recruited.”
“Yes, there are different levels in the society. There are associates and members, then recruits or trainers like me.”
“How were you recruited?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Well, how was I nominated?”
“I can’t tell you that, either.”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t need to know. Only three people know exactly how the society works. One is the founder, Ms. Dorathe, and two other individuals who are senior members and only go by initials.”
“Why all the secrecy?”
“Why not?”
“But how did you find out about me?”
“You were nominated. Your nomination went through a strict screening process. You were observed.”
“Observed,” Sonia firmly corrected. “Deemed suitable and selected.”
“And then I failed.”
“Yes. You failed yourself. Fortunately, failure isn’t permanent and I’m here to help.”
“What do you get out of this? Wouldn’t you rather be a member than a recruit?”
Sonia pulled out her cell phone and showed Anna Marie an image on the screen. “That’s my family.”
Anna Marie gasped at the picture of a man and two small children in front of a magnificent house. “You’re rich.”
“In more ways than one.” She pointed to the man. “That’s my husband and my children, Hilary and Douglas.”
“Wow,” Anna Marie said, not knowing what else to say. She knew that pictures lied, that smiling faces didn’t always mean a happy home, but from the look on Sonia’s face, she could sense a feeling of pride and love for the people in the picture. Anna Marie felt a stab of envy then brushed it aside. “When you have all this, why are you a trainer?”
“I love my job. I love working with people like you. I like seeing your dreams come true. Mine already have. We recruits are a special force. Associates help you, but we trainers make things happen. And I’m going to make sure that a lot of good things happen for you.”
Early the next morning, Anna Marie sat in St. Claire’s Salon ready for her appointment when her cell phone rang. She looked at the number, then Sonia. “It’s Nancy.”
“She can leave a message.”
“But it could be urgent.”
“You no longer work there, remember?”
She held her hand out. “Give me your phone.”
Anna Marie reluctantly handed it to her.
“Hello? Yes, you have the right number. I’m Anna Marie’s secretary and she’s busy at the moment, but if you leave a message she’ll get right back to you…No, she can’t speak to you right now. Nancy, I know you’re a smart woman and if you take the time to think, rather than to panic, you will be able to solve your problem. If you can’t, I suggest you start looking for another position you can manage. Goodbye.” Sonia hung up. “She didn’t want to leave a message.”
“Did she tell you what the problem was?”
“She can handle it.” Sonia tucked the phone away.
“You’re going to keep it?”
“You have better things to do.” She gestured to a waiting attendant.
Whoever said it was impossible to have heaven here on earth had not been to St. Claire’s Salon. At first, Anna Marie felt awkward, not used to having anyone touch her entire body, much less a team of four. The day spa, which was called An Affair to Remember, was located inside the salon, and was definitely very expensive. In the entryway was a softly flowing waterfall, elegant leather lounge chairs with small TVs and headsets to occupy clients while they waited. Anna Marie had been sitting for only a few minutes before the woman at the reception desk informed her that Rebecca would be out shortly.
Within minutes a tall, willowy young woman in a black kimono came out and led her to a changing area.
“Hello, my name is Rebecca. I’m going to be the one in charge of your facial today. You will need to change into this robe and slippers, so that you will be comfortable during your stay with us.” She then opened a drawer and handed Anna Marie a freshly washed spa robe and pair of lush slippers. “Just push the button when you’re ready.”
For the next hour Anna Marie found herself being covered with expensive face creams and delicious-smelling lotions; however, this was only after Rebecca had assaulted her face with several mechanized tools and instructed her to take better care of her skin. The next attendant, a woman with porcelain features, led Anna Marie into a dimly lit treatment room. “I am going to give you a full-body massage I know you will enjoy,” she said.
She was ri
ght. Anna Marie’s body and mind gave in to Stephanie’s gentle manipulation of her body. She surrendered to the tactile pleasure, aromatic smells and soothing music and fell asleep.
The third attendant, an aggressive-looking man with an eyebrow ring, took full control of Anna Marie’s unruly mane. He trimmed and cut Anna Marie’s hair, giving it incredible shape and then applied a permanent soft-wave curl. The final effect was amazing. “This curl will last up to three months,” he told her. “And when you have it done again, you can either make the curls bigger or smaller, and I can mix and match the size of the curlers to give you any style.”
Anna Marie’s last appointment was with a makeup artist. She hadn’t expected to learn much. As Malika, she had no problem utilizing makeup to accentuate and sexualize her good features. As Anna Marie, however, she’d never taken the time to see what makeup could do and used a minimal amount when going to work.
The makeup artist, a very attractive woman in her mid-forties was an expert with over twenty-five years in the profession. She showed Anna Marie how to add instant sparkle to her eyes and make it look like it was natural by using a dark brown eye pencil to outline the corners of her eyes. She also instructed Anna Marie to use dark brown mascara, instead of black, for her lashes, again making them look natural.
Lastly, she showed her the proper use of foundation and powder, then helped Anna Marie fill in her eyebrows, which were nearly nonexistent. From a distance or up close, the result was dramatic, but natural-looking, and gave Anna Marie instant confidence.
When Sonia saw her, she grinned. “Your lawyer is going to pay a lot of attention to you. And your schedule is clear. While you were in there, I canceled all your other appointments.”
“All of them?”
“Yes. No is such a wonderful word.”
Following the salon makeover, they settled into the Claremont Hotel, one of the most expensive in the city. When Anna Marie began to protest Sonia told her that all expenses were covered by her membership. Three days later, Sonia took her shopping. Anna Marie looked forward to the adventure. Growing up, she had worn secondhand clothes, and while she had dressed appropriately for work, unlike when she was Malika, Anna Marie didn’t have the kind of wardrobe she desired.